[Nix-dev] Nixos.org moved

Eelco Dolstra eelco.dolstra at logicblox.com
Tue Jun 4 22:47:37 CEST 2013

Hi all,

Nixos.org has moved into the cloud!  Since the nixos.org webserver ("cartman")
has become increasingly unreliable lately (it crashed again tonight...), and
also because it was pretty slow for people outside of Europe, it was time to get
rid of it.  So:

- Nixos.org is now an EC2 instance.  Note that due to DNS caching, it may take a
while for the new IP address to propagate.

- The binary cache is now called cache.nixos.org, which is a CloudFront cache in
front of an S3 bucket.  The use of CloudFront should ensure that it's fast on
both sides of the Atlantic.  The old binary cache URL
http://nixos.org/binary-cache redirects to cache.nixos.org.

- The source tarball mirror (transparently used by fetchurl) has moved from
http://nixos.org/tarballs to http://tarballs.nixos.org.  It's currently still
served from the same EC2 instance, but it should eventually move to S3/CloudFront.

- Likewise, NixOS/Nixpkgs releases and channels are still at
http://nixos.org/{releases,channels} but these will also be moved at some point.

Note that the Hydra buildfarm will remain at TU Delft.  Please let me know if
you encounter any problems.

Eelco Dolstra | LogicBlox, Inc. | http://nixos.org/~eelco/

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