#!/bin/sh # This script installs the Nix package manager on your system by # downloading a binary distribution and running its installer script # (which in turn creates and populates /nix). { # Prevent execution if this script was only partially downloaded oops() { echo "$0:" "$@" >&2 exit 1 } umask 0022 tmpDir="$(mktemp -d -t nix-binary-tarball-unpack.XXXXXXXXXX || \ oops "Can't create temporary directory for downloading the Nix binary tarball")" cleanup() { rm -rf "$tmpDir" } trap cleanup EXIT INT QUIT TERM require_util() { command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || oops "you do not have '$1' installed, which I need to $2" } case "$(uname -s).$(uname -m)" in Linux.x86_64) hash=fcbed56d4b01189696fcb70afb52708b95cd6b2e6094a5df44ab865e76aec90c path=n3hfp53sib8a7kqwq6c3gqm53ff75qrv/nix-2.22.0-x86_64-linux.tar.xz system=x86_64-linux ;; Linux.i?86) hash=6e93a5ff954df81ed409cea564c601e83bf3562891fd0fcddc55dc55d421d94e path=49prlz6zv8bhq4qx6rhc9fycfs541bn5/nix-2.22.0-i686-linux.tar.xz system=i686-linux ;; Linux.aarch64) hash=ce9f163568fb5b34fd3b2f4744febc382c7db27d4e5cbbdfaf59ca38c437e487 path=49j8yjpw0q4zwyyshm3adqr9533yx795/nix-2.22.0-aarch64-linux.tar.xz system=aarch64-linux ;; Linux.armv6l) hash=85648164372815de1646e6566ec937a22822de935283c16340ff653507cc21d6 path=7c6l3y0gvgykfapd477c0fawj4n8rhkv/nix-2.22.0-armv6l-linux.tar.xz system=armv6l-linux ;; Linux.armv7l) hash=fd119989bd881079f1ee508066000315dd96b8eebbe82213f434a46c2a6e4f27 path=1cfwzxk0gvz5wncxzl0hjpy85l1lpqig/nix-2.22.0-armv7l-linux.tar.xz system=armv7l-linux ;; Darwin.x86_64) hash=6e7b20bad1cc648a22cbaed34a9c57d8382f2c179fae8d72b6962436c906489f path=wvzxww6bxixvvn0fqrn2p75hm4phfj0q/nix-2.22.0-x86_64-darwin.tar.xz system=x86_64-darwin ;; Darwin.arm64|Darwin.aarch64) hash=e040660626f3557a1351735a43f07dea518f8a75670cb79be57c30bcf1603b62 path=q9s2k0q0ggk0vrs9cmvgw8w33mmgwlkz/nix-2.22.0-aarch64-darwin.tar.xz system=aarch64-darwin ;; *) oops "sorry, there is no binary distribution of Nix for your platform";; esac # Use this command-line option to fetch the tarballs using nar-serve or Cachix if [ "${1:-}" = "--tarball-url-prefix" ]; then if [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then oops "missing argument for --tarball-url-prefix" fi url=${2}/${path} shift 2 else url=https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.22.0/nix-2.22.0-$system.tar.xz fi tarball=$tmpDir/nix-2.22.0-$system.tar.xz require_util tar "unpack the binary tarball" if [ "$(uname -s)" != "Darwin" ]; then require_util xz "unpack the binary tarball" fi if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then fetch() { curl --fail -L "$1" -o "$2"; } elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then fetch() { wget "$1" -O "$2"; } else oops "you don't have wget or curl installed, which I need to download the binary tarball" fi echo "downloading Nix 2.22.0 binary tarball for $system from '$url' to '$tmpDir'..." fetch "$url" "$tarball" || oops "failed to download '$url'" if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null 2>&1; then hash2="$(sha256sum -b "$tarball" | cut -c1-64)" elif command -v shasum > /dev/null 2>&1; then hash2="$(shasum -a 256 -b "$tarball" | cut -c1-64)" elif command -v openssl > /dev/null 2>&1; then hash2="$(openssl dgst -r -sha256 "$tarball" | cut -c1-64)" else oops "cannot verify the SHA-256 hash of '$url'; you need one of 'shasum', 'sha256sum', or 'openssl'" fi if [ "$hash" != "$hash2" ]; then oops "SHA-256 hash mismatch in '$url'; expected $hash, got $hash2" fi unpack=$tmpDir/unpack mkdir -p "$unpack" tar -xJf "$tarball" -C "$unpack" || oops "failed to unpack '$url'" script=$(echo "$unpack"/*/install) [ -e "$script" ] || oops "installation script is missing from the binary tarball!" export INVOKED_FROM_INSTALL_IN=1 "$script" "$@" } # End of wrapping