NixOps User's Guide

Version 1.8pre3071_2b63a9a

Eelco Dolstra

Rob Vermaas

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Overview
3.1. Deploying to a NixOS machine
3.2. Accessing machines
3.3. Checking machine status
3.4. Network special attributes
3.5. Network arguments
3.6. Managing keys
3.7. Special NixOS module inputs
A. Command Reference
nixops — deploy a set of NixOS machines
B. Configuration Options
B.1. Machines
D. Hacking
E. Release Notes
E.1. Release 1.7 (April 17, 2019)
E.2. Release 1.6.1 (Sep 14, 2018)
E.3. Release 1.6 (Mar 28, 2018)
E.4. Release 1.5.2 (Oct 29, 2017)
E.5. Release 1.5.1 (Jul 5, 2017)
E.6. Release 1.5 (Feb 16, 2017)
E.7. Release 1.4 (Jul 11, 2016)
E.8. Release 1.3.1 (January 14, 2016)
E.9. Release 1.3 (September 28, 2015)
E.10. Release 1.2 (April 30, 2014)
E.11. Release 1.1.1 (October 2, 2013)
E.12. Release 1.1 (September 9, 2013)
E.13. Release 1.0.1 (July 11, 2013)
E.14. Release 1.0 (June 18, 2013)

List of Examples

3.1. trivial-nixos.nix: NixOS target physical network specification
3.2. key-dependency.nix: track key dependence with systemd

Chapter 1. Introduction

NixOps is a tool for deploying NixOS machines in a network or cloud. It takes as input a declarative specification of a set of “logical” machines and then performs any necessary steps or actions to realise that specification: instantiate cloud machines, build and download dependencies, stop and start services, and so on. NixOps has several nice properties:

  • It’s declarative: NixOps specifications state the desired configuration of the machines, and NixOps then figures out the actions necessary to realise that configuration. So there is no difference between doing a new deployment or doing a redeployment: the resulting machine configurations will be the same.

  • It performs fully automated deployment. This is a good thing because it ensures that deployments are reproducible.

  • It performs provisioning. Based on the given deployment specification, it will start missing virtual machines, create disk volumes, and so on.

  • It’s based on the Nix package manager, which has a purely functional model that sets it apart from other package managers. Concretely this means that multiple versions of packages can coexist on a system, that packages can be upgraded or rolled back atomically, that dependency specifications can be guaranteed to be complete, and so on.

  • It’s based on NixOS, which has a declarative approach to describing the desired configuration of a machine. This makes it an ideal basis for automated configuration management of sets of machines. NixOS also has desirable properties such as (nearly) atomic upgrades, the ability to roll back to previous configurations, and more.

  • It’s multi-cloud. Machines in a single NixOps deployment can be deployed to different target environments. For instance, one logical machine can be deployed to a local “physical” machine, another to an automatically instantiated Amazon EC2 instance in the eu-west-1 region, another in the us-east-1 region, and so on.

  • It supports separation of “logical” and “physical” aspects of a deployment. NixOps specifications are modular, and this makes it easy to separate the parts that say what logical machines should do from where they should do it. For instance, the former might say that machine X should run a PostgreSQL database and machine Y should run an Apache web server, while the latter might state that X should be instantiated as an EC2 m1.large machine while Y should be instantiated as an m1.small. We could also have a second physical specification that says that X and Y should both be instantiated as VirtualBox VMs on the developer’s workstation. So the same logical specification can easily be deployed to different environments.

  • It uses a single formalism (the Nix expression language) for package management and system configuration management. This makes it very easy to add ad hoc packages to a deployment.

  • It combines system configuration management and provisioning. Provisioning affects configuration management: for instance, if we instantiate an EC2 machine as part of a larger deployment, it may be necessary to put the IP address or hostname of that machine in a configuration file on another machine. NixOps takes care of this automatically.

  • It can provision non-machine cloud resources such as Amazon S3 buckets and EC2 keypairs.

This manual describes how to install NixOps and how to use it. The appendix contains a copy of the NixOps manual page, which is also available by running man nixops.

Chapter 2. Installation

NixOps runs on Linux and Mac OS X. (It may also run on other platforms; the main prerequisite is that Nix runs on your platform.) Installing it requires the following steps:

  1. Install the Nix package manager. It’s available from the Nix website in binary form for several platforms. Please refer to the installation instruction in the Nix manual for more details.

  2. Install the latest version of NixOps.

    $ nix-env -i nixops

Chapter 3. Overview

This chapter gives a quick overview of how to use NixOps.

3.1. Deploying to a NixOS machine

To deploy to a machine that is already running NixOS, simply set deployment.targetHost to the IP address or host name of the machine, and leave deployment.targetEnv undefined. See Example 3.1.

Example 3.1. trivial-nixos.nix: NixOS target physical network specification

  webserver =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { deployment.targetHost = "";

3.2. Accessing machines

You can login to individual machines by doing nixops ssh name, where name is the name of the machine.

It’s also possible to perform a command on all machines:

$ nixops ssh-for-each -d load-balancer-ec2 -- df /tmp
backend1...> /dev/xvdb      153899044 192084 145889336   1% /tmp
proxy......> /dev/xvdb      153899044 192084 145889336   1% /tmp
backend2...> /dev/xvdb      153899044 192084 145889336   1% /tmp

By default, the command is executed sequentially on each machine. You can add the flag -p to execute it in parallel.

3.3. Checking machine status

The command nixops check checks the status of each machine in a deployment. It verifies that the machine still exists (i.e. hasn’t been destroyed outside of NixOps), is up (i.e. the instance has been started) and is reachable via SSH. It also checks that any attached disks (such as EBS volumes) are not in a failed state, and prints the names of any systemd units that are in a failed state.

For example, for the 3-machine EC2 network shown above, it might show:

$ nixops check -d load-balancer-ec2
| Name     | Exists | Up  | Reachable | Disks OK | Load avg.      | Failed units  | Notes |
| backend1 | Yes    | Yes | Yes       | Yes      | 0.03 0.03 0.05 | httpd.service |       |
| backend2 | Yes    | No  | N/A       | N/A      |                |               |       |
| proxy    | Yes    | Yes | Yes       | Yes      | 0.00 0.01 0.05 |               |       |

This indicates that Apache httpd has failed on backend1 and that machine backend2 is not running at all. In this situation, you should run nixops deploy --check to repair the deployment.

3.4. Network special attributes

It is possible to define special options for the whole network. For example:

  network = {
    description = "staging environment";
    enableRollback = true;

  defaults = {
    imports = [ ./common.nix ];

  machine = { ... }: {};

Each attribute is explained below:


Applies given NixOS module to all machines defined in the network.


A sentence describing the purpose of the network for easier comparison when running nixops list


If true, each deployment creates a new profile generation to able to run nixops rollback. Defaults to false.

3.5. Network arguments

In NixOps you can pass in arguments from outside the nix expression. The network file can be a nix function, which takes a set of arguments which are passed in externally and can be used to change configuration values, or even to generate a variable number of machines in the network.

Here is an example of a network with network arguments:

{ maintenance ? false
  machine =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { services.httpd.enable = maintenance;

This network has a maintenance argument that defaults to false. This value can be used inside the network expression to set NixOS option, in this case whether or not Apache HTTPD should be enabled on the system.

You can pass network arguments using the set-args nixops command. For example, if we want to set the maintenance argument to true in the previous example, you can run:

  $ nixops set-args --arg maintenance true -d argtest

The arguments that have been set will show up:

$ nixops info -d argtest
Network name: argtest
Network UUID: 634d6273-f9f6-11e2-a004-15393537e5ff
Network description: Unnamed NixOps network
Nix expressions: .../network-arguments.nix
Nix arguments: maintenance = true

| Name    |     Status    | Type | Resource Id | IP address |
| machine | Missing / New | none |             |            |

Running nixops deploy after changing the arguments will deploy the new configuration.

3.6. Managing keys

Files in /nix/store/ are readable by every user on that host, so storing secret keys embedded in nix derivations is insecure. To address this, nixops provides the configuration option deployment.keys, which nixops manages separately from the main configuration derivation for each machine.

Add a key to a machine like so.

  machine =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { = "shhh this is a secret"; = "myuser"; = "wheel"; = "0640";

This will create a file /run/keys/my-secret with the specified contents, ownership, and permissions.

Among the key options, only text is required. The user and group options both default to "root", and permissions defaults to "0600".

Keys from deployment.keys are stored under /run/ on a temporary filesystem and will not persist across a reboot. To send a rebooted machine its keys, use nixops send-keys. Note that all nixops commands implicitly upload keys when appropriate, so manually sending keys should only be necessary after an unattended reboot.

If you have a custom service that depends on a key from deployment.keys, you can opt to let systemd track that dependency. Each key gets a corresponding systemd service "${keyname}-key.service" which is active while the key is present, and otherwise inactive when the key is absent. See Example 3.2 for how to set this up.

Example 3.2. key-dependency.nix: track key dependence with systemd

  machine =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { = "shhh this is a secret"; = {
        after = [ "my-secret-key.service" ];
        wants = [ "my-secret-key.service" ];
        script = ''
          export MY_SECRET=$(cat /run/keys/my-secret)

These dependencies will ensure that the service is only started when the keys it requires are present. For example, after a reboot, the services will be delayed until the keys are available, and systemctl status and friends will lead you to the cause.

3.7. Special NixOS module inputs

In deployments with multiple machines, it is often convenient to access the configuration of another node in the same network, e.g. if you want to store a port number only once.

This is possible by using the extra NixOS module input nodes.

  network.description = "Gollum server and reverse proxy";

  gollum =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
      services.gollum = {
        enable = true;
        port = 40273;
      networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ];

  reverseproxy =
    { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
      gollumPort =;
      services.nginx = {
        enable = true;
        virtualHosts."".locations."/" = {
          proxyPass = "http://gollum:${toString gollumPort}";
      networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];

Moving the port number to a different value is now without the risk of an inconsistent deployment.

Aditional module inputs are

  • name: The name of the machine.

  • uuid: The NixOps UUID of the deployment.

  • resources: NixOps resources associated with the deployment.

Appendix A. Command Reference

Table of Contents

nixops — deploy a set of NixOS machines


nixops — deploy a set of NixOS machines


nixops { --version | --help | command [arguments...] } [ { --state | -s } statefile ] [ { --deployment | -d } uuid-or-name ] [--confirm] [--debug]


NixOps is a tool for deploying NixOS machines in a network or cloud.

Common options

--state, -s

Path to the state file that contains the deployments. It defaults to the value of the NIXOPS_STATE environment variable, or ~/.nixops/deployments.nixops if that one is not defined. It must have extension .nixops. The state file is actually a SQLite database that can be inspected using the sqlite3 command (for example, sqlite3 deployments.nixops .dump). If it does not exist, it is created automatically.

--deployment, -d

UUID or symbolic name of the deployment on which to operate. Defaults to the value of the NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT environment variable.


Automatically confirm “dangerous” actions, such as terminating EC2 instances or deleting EBS volumes. Without this option, you will be asked to confirm each dangerous action interactively.


Turn on debugging output. In particular, this causes NixOps to print a Python stack trace if an unhandled exception occurs.


Print a brief summary of NixOps’s command line syntax.


Print NixOps’s version number.

Common options passed along to Nix


Append a directory to the Nix search path.


Set maximum number of concurrent Nix builds.


Sets the value of the NIX_BUILD_CORES environment variable in the invocation of builders


Keep going after failed builds.


Keep temporary directories of failed builds.


Print a Nix stack trace if evaluation fails.


Fall back on installation from source.


Set a Nix option.


Run Nix evaluations in read-only mode.

Environment variables


The location of the state file if --state is not used. It defaults to ~/.nixops/deployments.nixops.


UUID or symbolic name of the deployment on which to operate. Can be overridden using the -d option.


AWS Access Key ID used to communicate with the Amazon EC2 cloud. Used if deployment.ec2.accessKeyId is not set in an EC2 machine’s configuration.


AWS Secret Access Key used to communicate with the Amazon EC2 cloud. It is only used if no secret key corresponding to the AWS Access Key ID is defined in ~/.ec2-keys or ~/.aws/credentials.


Alternative path to the the shared credentials file, which is located in ~/.aws/credentials by default.


Username and password used to access the Robot for Hetzner deployments.


GCE Project which should own the resources in the Google Compute Engine deployment. Used if deployment.gce.project is not set in a GCE machine configuration and if resources.$TYPE.$NAME.project is not set in a GCE resource specification.


GCE Service Account ID and the path to the corresponding private key in .pem format which should be used to manage the Google Compute Engine deployment. Used if deployment.gce.serviceAccount and deployment.gce.accessKey are not set in a GCE machine configuration and if resources.$TYPE.$NAME.serviceAccount and resources.$TYPE.$NAME.accessKey are not set in a GCE resource specification.



This file maps AWS Access Key IDs to their corresponding Secret Access Keys. Each line must consist of an Access Key IDs, a Secret Access Keys and an optional symbolic identifier, separated by whitespace. Comments starting with # are stripped. An example:


The identifier can be used instead of actual Access Key IDs in deployment.ec2.accessKeyId, e.g.

deployment.ec2.accessKeyId = "prod";

This is useful if you have an AWS account with multiple user accounts and you don’t want to hard-code an Access Key ID in a NixOps specification.


This file pairs AWS Access Key IDs with their corresponding Secret Access Keys under symbolic profile names. It consists of sections marked by profile names. Sections contain newline-separated "assignments" of "variables" aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key to a desired Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key, respectively, e.g.:

aws_access_key_id = AKIABOGUSACCESSKEY
aws_secret_access_key = BOGUSSECRETACCESSKEY

aws_secret_access_key = BOGUSPRODSECRETACCESSKEY

Symbolic profile names are specified in deployment.ec2.accessKeyId, e.g.:

deployment.ec2.accessKeyId = "prod";

If an actual Access Key IDs is used in deployment.ec2.accessKeyId its corresponding Secret Access Key is looked up under [default] profile name. Location of credentials file can be customized by setting the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable.

Command nixops create


nixops create nixexprs... [ -I path ...]


This command creates a new deployment state record in NixOps’s database. The paths of the Nix expressions that specify the desired deployment (nixexprs) are stored in the state file. The UUID of the new deployment is printed on standard output.


-I path

Add path to the Nix expression search path for all future evaluations of the deployment specification. NixOps stores path in the state file. This option may be given multiple times. See the description of the -I option in nix-instantiate(1) for details.

--deployment, -d

Set the symbolic name of the new deployment to the given string. The name can be used to refer to the deployment by passing the option -d name or the environment variable NIXOPS_DEPLOYMENT=name to subsequent NixOps invocations. This is typically more convenient than using the deployment’s UUID. However, names are not required to be unique; if you create multiple deployments with the same name, NixOps will complain.


To create a deployment with symbolic name foo, and then perform the actual deployment:

$ nixops create expr1.nix expr2.nix -d foo
created deployment ‘32b06868-d27c-11e2-a055-81d7beb7925e’

$ nixops deploy -d foo

Command nixops modify


nixops modify nixexprs... [ { --name | -n } name ] [ -I path ...]


This command modifies an existing deployment. The options are the same as for nixops create. The symbolic name of the deployment can be changed using the --name flag.


To change the Nix expressions specifying the deployment, and rename it from foo to bar:

$ nixops modify -d foo -n bar expr3.nix expr4.nix

Note that -d identifies the existing deployment, while -n specifies its new name.

Command nixops clone


nixops clone [ { --name | -n } name ]


This command clones an existing deployment; that is, it creates a new deployment that has the same deployment specification and parameters, but a different UUID and (optionally) name. Note that nixops clone does not currently clone the state of the machines in the existing deployment. Thus, when you first run nixops deploy on the cloned deployment, NixOps will create new instances from scratch.


To create a new deployment bar by cloning the deployment foo:

$ nixops clone -d foo -n bar

Command nixops delete


nixops delete [--all] [--force]


This command deletes a deployment from the state file. NixOps will normally refuse to delete the deployment if any resources belonging to the deployment (such as virtual machines) still exist. You must run nixops destroy first to get rid of any such resources. However, if you pass --force, NixOps will forget about any still-existing resources; this should be used with caution.

If the --all flag is given, all deployments in the state file are deleted.


To delete the deployment named foo:

$ nixops delete -d foo

Command nixops deploy


nixops deploy [ --kill-obsolete | -k ] [--dry-run] [--repair] [--create-only] [--build-only] [--copy-only] [--check] [--allow-reboot] [--force-reboot] [--allow-recreate] [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ] [ -I path ...] [ --max-concurrent-copy N ]


This command deploys a set of machines on the basis of the specification described by the Nix expressions given in the preceding nixops create call. It creates missing virtual machines, builds each machine configuration, copies the closure of each configuration to the corresponding machine, uploads any keys described in deployment.keys, and activates the new configuration.


--kill-obsolete, -k

Destroy (terminate) virtual machines that were previously created as part of this deployment, but are obsolete because they are no longer mentioned in the deployment specification. This happens if you remove a machine from the specification after having run nixops deploy to create it. Without this flag, such obsolete machines are left untouched.


Dry run; show what would be done by this command without actually doing it.


Use --repair when calling nix-build. This is useful for repairing the nix store when some inconsistency is found and nix-copy-closure is failing as a result. Note that this option only works in nix setups that run without the nix daemon.


Exit after creating any missing machines. Nothing is built and no existing machines are touched.


Just build the configuration locally; don’t create or deploy any machines. Note that this may fail if the configuration refers to information only known after machines have been created (such as IP addresses).


Exit after creating missing machines, building the configuration and copying closures to the target machines; i.e., do everything except activate the new configuration.


Normally, NixOps assumes that the deployment state of machines doesn’t change behind its back. For instance, it assumes that a VirtualBox VM, once started, will continue to run unless you run nixops destroy to terminate it. If this is not the case, e.g., because you shut down or destroyed a machine through other means, you should pass the --check option to tell NixOps to verify its current knowledge.


Allow NixOps to reboot the instance if necessary. For instance, if you change the type of an EC2 instance, NixOps must stop, modify and restart the instance to effectuate this change.


Reboot the machine to activate the new configuration (using nixos-rebuild boot).


Recreate resources that have disappeared (e.g. destroyed through mechanisms outside of NixOps). Without this flag, NixOps will print an error if a resource that should exist no longer does.

--include machine-name...

Only operate on the machines explicitly mentioned here, excluding other machines.

--exclude machine-name...

Only operate on the machines that are not mentioned here.

-I path

Add path to the Nix expression search path. This option may be given multiple times and takes precedence over the -I flags used in the preceding nixops create invocation. See the description of the -I option in nix-instantiate(1) for details.

--max-concurrent-copy N

Use at most N concurrent nix-copy-closure processes to deploy closures to the target machines. N defaults to 5.


To deploy all machines:

$ nixops deploy

To deploy only the logical machines foo and bar, checking whether their recorded deployment state is correct:

$ nixops deploy --check --include foo bar

To create any missing machines (except foo) without doing anything else:

$ nixops deploy --create-only --exclude foo

Command nixops destroy


nixops destroy [--all] [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ]


This command destroys (terminates) all virtual machines previously created as part of this deployment, and similarly deletes all disk volumes if they’re marked as “delete on termination”. Unless you pass the --confirm option, you will be asked to approve every machine destruction.

This command has no effect on machines that cannot be destroyed automatically; for instance, machines in the none target environment (such as physical machines, or virtual machines not created by NixOps).



Destroy all deployments.

--include machine-name...

Only destroy the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Destroy all machines except the ones listed here.


To destroy all machines:

$ nixops destroy

To destroy the machine named foo:

$ nixops destroy --include foo

Command nixops stop


nixops stop [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ]


This command stops (shuts down) all non-obsolete machines that can be automatically started. This includes EC2 and VirtualBox machines, but not machines using the none backend (because NixOps doesn’t know how to start them automatically).


--include machine-name...

Only stop the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Stop all machines except the ones listed here.


To stop all machines that support being stopped:

$ nixops stop

Command nixops start


nixops start [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ]


This command starts all non-obsolete machines previously stopped using nixops stop.


--include machine-name...

Only start the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Start all machines except the ones listed here.


To start all machines that were previously stopped:

$ nixops start

Command nixops list


nixops list


This command prints information about all deployments in the database: the UUID, the name, the description, the number of running or stopped machines, and the types of those machines.


$ nixops list
|                 UUID                 |          Name          |      Description       | # Machines |    Type    |
| 80dc8e11-287d-11e2-b05a-a810fd2f513f |          test          |      Test network      |     4      |    ec2     |
| 79fe0e26-d1ec-11e1-8ba3-a1d56c8a5447 |   nixos-systemd-test   | Unnamed NixOps network |     1      | virtualbox |
| 742c2a4f-0817-11e2-9889-49d70558c59e |       xorg-test        | NixOS X11 Updates Test |     0      |            |

Command nixops info


nixops info [--all] [--plain] [--no-eval]


This command prints some information about the current state of the deployment. For each machine, it prints:

  • The logical name of the machine.

  • Its state, which is one of New (not deployed yet), Up (created and up to date), Outdated (created but not up to date with the current configuration, e.g. due to use of the --exclude option to nixops deploy) and Obsolete (created but no longer present in the configuration).

  • The type of the machine (i.e. the value of deployment.targetEnv, such as ec2). For EC2 machines, it also shows the machine’s region or availability zone.

  • The virtual machine identifier, if applicable. For EC2 machines, this is the instance ID. For VirtualBox VMs, it’s the virtual machine name.

  • The IP address of the machine. This is its public IP address, if it has one, or its private IP address otherwise. (For instance, VirtualBox machines only have a private IP address.)



Print information about all resources in all known deployments, rather than in a specific deployment.


Print the information in a more easily parsed format where columns are separated by tab characters and there are no column headers.


Do not evaluate the deployment specification. Note that as a consequence the “Status” field in the output will show all machines as “Obsolete” (since the effective deployment specification is empty).


$ nixops info -d foo
Network name: test
Network UUID: 80dc8e11-287d-11e2-b05a-a810fd2f513f
Network description: Test network
Nix expressions: /home/alice/test-network.nix

|   Name   |      Status     |             Type             |   VM Id    |    IP address   |
| backend0 |  Up / Outdated  | ec2 [us-east-1b; m2.2xlarge] | i-905e9def |  |
| backend1 |  Up / Outdated  | ec2 [us-east-1b; m2.2xlarge] | i-925e9ded | |
| backend2 |  Up / Obsolete  | ec2 [us-east-1b; m2.2xlarge] | i-885e9df7 | |
| frontend | Up / Up-to-date |  ec2 [us-east-1c; m1.large]  | i-945e9deb |  |

Command nixops check


nixops check [--all]


This command checks and prints the status of each machine in the deployment. For instance, for an EC2 machine, it will ask EC2 whether the machine is running or stopped. If a machine is supposed to be up, NixOps will try to connect to the machine via SSH and get the current load average statistics.



Check all machines in all known deployments, rather than in a specific deployment.


For a running VirtualBox instance, NixOps will print something like:

$ nixops check
machine> VM state is ‘running’
machine> pinging SSH... up [1.03 0.34 0.12]

For a stopped EC2 instance, NixOps might show:

machine> instance state is ‘stopped’

Command nixops ssh


nixops ssh [username@]machine [ command [args...] ]


This command opens an SSH connection to the specified machine and executes the specified command. If no command is specified, an interactive shell is started.



Include the public SSH host keys into .ssh/known_hosts for all machines in the imported network.


To start a shell on machine foo:

$ nixops ssh foo

To run Emacs on machine bar:

$ nixops ssh bar -- -X emacs

Passes -X (“enable X11 forwarding”) to SSH.

Command nixops ssh-for-each


nixops ssh-for-each [ --parallel | -p ] [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ] [ command [args...] ]


This operation executes the specified shell command on all non-obsolete machines.



Execute the command on each machine in parallel. The default is to do each machine sequentially.

--include machine-name...

Execute the command only on the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Execute the command on all machines except the ones listed here.


To reboot all machines in parallel:

$ nixops ssh-for-each -p reboot

Command nixops mount


nixops mount [ { --option | -o } option ...] [username@]machine [:[remote]] local


This command mounts the directory remote in the file system of the specified machine onto the directory local in the local file system. If :remote is omitted, the entire remote file system is mounted. If you specify an empty path (i.e. :), then the home directory of the specified user is mounted. If no user is specified, root is assumed.

This command is implemented using sshfs, so you must have sshfs installed and the fuse kernel module loaded.


--option / -o opt

Pass additional options to sshfs. See sshfs(1) for details.


To mount the entire file system of machine foo onto the local directory ~/mnt:

$ nixops mount foo ~/mnt

$ ls -l ~/mnt
total 72
drwxr-xr-x 1 root  root   4096 Jan 15 11:44 bin
drwx------ 1 root  root   4096 Jan 14 17:15 boot

To mount the home directory of user alice:

$ nixops mount alice@foo: ~/mnt

To mount a specific directory, passing the option transform_symlinks to ensure that absolute symlinks in the remote file system work properly:

$ nixops mount foo:/data ~/mnt -o transform_symlinks

Command nixops reboot


nixops reboot [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ] [ --no-wait ] [ command [args...] ]


This command reboots all non-obsolete machines in parallel.


--include machine-name...

Only reboot the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Reboot all machines except the ones listed here.


Do not wait until the machines have finished rebooting.


To reboot all machines except foo and wait until they’re up again, that is, are reachable via SSH again:

$ nixops reboot --exclude foo

Command nixops backup


nixops backup [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ]


This command makes a backup of all persistent disks of all machines. Currently this is only implemented for EC2 EBS instances/volumes.


--include machine-name...

Only backup the persistent disks of the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Backup the persistent disks of all machines except the ones listed here.


To backup the persistent disks of all machines:

$ nixops backup

Command nixops restore


nixops restore [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ] [ --backup-id backup-id... ]


This command restores a machine to a backup.


--include machine-name...

Only backup the persistent disks of the machines listed here.

--exclude machine-name...

Restore the persistent disks of all machines to a given backup except the ones listed here.

--devices device-name...

Restore only the persistent disks which are mapped to the specified device names.


Restore the persistent disks of all machines to a given backup except the ones listed here.


To list the available backups and restore the persistent disks of all machines to a given backup:

            $ nixops backup-status
            $ nixops restore --backup-id 20120803151302

Restore the persistent disks at device /dev/xvdf of all machines to a given backup:

            $ nixops restore --devices /dev/xvdf --backup-id 20120803151302

Command nixops show-option


nixops show-option [--xml] machine option


This command prints the value of the specified NixOS configuration option for the specified machine.


$ nixops show-option machine services.xserver.enable

$ nixops show-option --xml machine boot.initrd.availableKernelModules
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <string value="md_mod" />
    <string value="raid0" />

Command nixops set-args


nixops set-args [ --arg name value ...] [ --argstr name value ...] [ --unset name ...]


This command persistently sets arguments to be passed to the deployment specification.


--arg name value

Set the function argument name to value, where the latter is an arbitrary Nix expression.

--argstr name value

Like --arg, but the value is a literal string rather than a Nix expression. Thus, --argstr name value is equivalent to --arg name \"value\".

--unset name

Remove a previously set function argument.


Consider the following deployment specification (servers.nix):

{ nrMachines, active }:

with import <nixpkgs/lib>;


  makeMachine = n: nameValuePair "webserver-${toString n}"
    ({ config, pkgs, ... }:
    { deployment.targetEnv = "virtualbox";
      services.httpd.enable = active;
      services.httpd.adminAddr = "";

in listToAttrs (map makeMachine (range 1 nrMachines))

This specifies a network of nrMachines identical VirtualBox VMs that run the Apache web server if active is set. To create 10 machines without Apache:

$ nixops create servers.nix
$ nixops set-args --arg nrMachines 10 --arg active false
$ nixops deploy

Next we can enable Apache on the existing machines:

$ nixops set-args --arg active true
$ nixops deploy

or provision additional machines:

$ nixops set-args --arg nrMachines 20
$ nixops deploy

Command nixops show-console-output


nixops show-console-output machine


This command prints the console output of the specified machine, if available. Currently this is only supported for the EC2 backend.


$ nixops show-console-output machine
Xen Minimal OS!
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.2.36 (nixbld@) (gcc version 4.6.3 (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Jan 4 16:07:14 UTC 2013

Command nixops export


nixops export [--all]


This command exports the state of the specified deployment, or all deployments if --all is given, as a JSON represention to standard output. The deployment(s) can be imported into another state file using nixops import.


To export a specific deployment, and import it into the state file other.nixops:

$ nixops export -d foo > foo.json
$ nixops import -s other.nixops < foo.json
added deployment ‘2bbaddca-01cb-11e2-88b2-19d91ca51c50’

If desired, you can then remove the deployment from the old state file:

$ nixops delete -d foo --force

To export all deployments:

$ nixops export --all > all.json

Command nixops import


nixops import [--include-keys]


This command creates deployments from the state data exported by nixops export. The state is read from standard input. See nixops export for examples.

Command nixops send-keys


nixops send-keys [ --include machine-name... ] [ --exclude machine-name... ]


This command uploads the keys described in deployment.keys to remote machines in the /run/keys/ directory.

Keys are not persisted across reboots by default. If a machine reboot is triggered from outside nixops, it will need nixops send-keys to repopulate its keys.

Note that nixops deploy does an implicit send-keys where appropriate, so manually sending keys is only necessary after unattended reboots.


--include machine-name...

Only operate on the machines explicitly mentioned here, excluding other machines.

--exclude machine-name...

Only operate on the machines that are not mentioned here.

Appendix B. Configuration Options

Table of Contents

B.1. Machines

B.1. Machines

NixOps adds several options to the NixOS machine configuration system. For the standard NixOS configuration options, please see the NixOS manual or the configuration.nix(5) man page.

Appendix C. Configuration Options


Always run the activation script, no matter whether the configuration has changed (the default). This behaviour can be enforced even if it's set to false using the command line option --always-activate on deployment.

If this is set to false, activation is done only if the new system profile doesn't match the previous one.

Type: boolean

Default: true

Declared by:


The LUKS volumes to be created. The name of each attribute set specifies the name of the LUKS volume; thus, the resulting device will be named /dev/mapper/name.

Type: attribute set of submodules

Default: { }

Example: { secretdisk = { device = "/dev/xvdf"; passphrase = "foobar"; } ; }

Declared by:


If the underlying device does not currently contain a filesystem (as determined by blkid, then automatically initialise it using cryptsetup luksFormat.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


The cipher used to encrypt the volume.

Type: string

Default: "aes-cbc-essiv:sha256"

Declared by:


The underlying (encrypted) device.

Type: string

Example: "/dev/xvdg"

Declared by:


The size in bits of the encryption key.

Type: signed integer

Default: 128

Declared by:


The passphrase (key file) used to decrypt the key to access the volume. If left empty, a passphrase is generated automatically; this passphrase is lost when you destroy the machine or underlying device, unless you copy it from NixOps's state file. Note that unless deployment.storeKeysOnMachine is set to false, the passphrase is stored in the Nix store of the instance, so an attacker who gains access to the disk containing the store can subsequently decrypt the encrypted volume.

Type: string

Default: ""

Declared by:


The RAID-0 volumes to be created. The name of each attribute set specifies the name of both the volume group and the logical volume; thus, the resulting device will be named /dev/name/name.

Type: attribute set of submodules

Default: { }

Example: { bigdisk = { devices = [ "/dev/xvdg" "/dev/xvdh" ] ; } ; }

Declared by:


The underlying devices to be combined into a RAID-0 volume.

Type: list of strings

Example: [ "/dev/xvdg" "/dev/xvdh" ]

Declared by:


If set to true, whole closure will be copied using just `nix-copy-closure`.

If set to false, closure will be copied first using binary substitution. Addtionally, any missing derivations copied with `nix-copy-closure` will be done using --gzip flag.

Some backends set this value to true.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


The set of keys to be deployed to the machine. Each attribute maps a key name to a file that can be accessed as destDir/name, where destDir defaults to /run/keys. Thus, { password.text = "foobar"; } causes a file destDir/password to be created with contents foobar. The directory destDir is only accessible to root and the keys group, so keep in mind to add any users that need to have access to a particular key to this group.

Each key also gets a systemd service name-key.service which is active while the key is present and inactive while the key is absent. Thus, { password.text = "foobar"; } gets a password-key.service.

Type: attribute set of string or key optionss

Default: { }

Example: { password = { text = "foobar"; } ; }

Declared by:


When specified, this allows changing the destDir directory of the key file from its default value of /run/keys.

This directory will be created, its permissions changed to 0750 and ownership to root:keys.

Type: path

Default: "/run/keys"


The group that will be set for the key file.

Type: string

Default: "root"


When non-null, contents of the specified file will be deployed to the specified key on the target machine. If the key name is password and /foo/bar is set here, the contents of the file destDir/password deployed will be the same as local file /foo/bar.

Since no serialization/deserialization of key contents is involved, there are no limits on that content: null bytes, invalid Unicode, /dev/random output -- anything goes.

NOTE: Either text or keyFile have to be set.

Type: null or path

Default: null


The default permissions to set for the key file, needs to be in the format accepted by chmod(1).

Type: string

Default: "0600"

Example: "0640"


When non-null, this designates the text that the key should contain. So if the key name is password and foobar is set here, the contents of the file destDir/password will be foobar.

NOTE: Either text or keyFile have to be set.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Example: "super secret stuff"


The user which will be the owner of the key file.

Type: string

Default: "root"


List of email addresses of the owners of the machines. Used to send email on performing certain actions.

Type: list of strings

Default: [ ]

Declared by:


If true, secret information such as LUKS encryption keys or SSL private keys is stored on the root disk of the machine, allowing the machine to do unattended reboots. If false, secrets are not stored; NixOps supplies them to the machine at mount time. This means that a reboot will not complete entirely until you run nixops deploy or nixops send-keys.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Declared by:


This option specifies the type of the environment in which the machine is to be deployed by NixOps.

Type: string

Default: "none"

Example: "ec2"

Declared by:


This option specifies the hostname or IP address to be used by NixOps to execute remote deployment operations.

Type: string

Declared by:


This option specifies the SSH port to be used by NixOps to execute remote deployment operations.

Type: signed integer

Declared by:


NixOps extends NixOS' fileSystem option to allow convenient attaching of EC2 volumes.

Type: list or attribute set of submodules

Declared by:


IPv4 address of this machine within in the logical network. This address can be used by other machines in the logical network to reach this machine. However, it need not be visible to the outside (i.e., publicly routable).

Type: string

Example: ""

Declared by:


Publicly routable IPv4 address of this machine.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Example: ""

Declared by:


Public key of the machine's VPN key (set by nixops)

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Appendix D. Hacking

This section provides some notes on how to hack on NixOps. To get the latest version of NixOps from GitHub:

$ git clone git://
$ cd nixops

To build it and its dependencies:

$ nix-build release.nix -A build.x86_64-linux

The resulting NixOps can be run as ./result/bin/nixops.

To build all dependencies and start a shell in which all environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH) are set up so that those dependencies can be found:

$ nix-shell release.nix -A build.x86_64-linux --exclude tarball

You can then run NixOps in your source tree as follows:

$ nixops

To run the tests, do

$ python3

Note that some of the tests involve the creation of EC2 resources and thus cost money. You must set the environment variable EC2_ACCESS_KEY and (optionally) EC2_SECRET_KEY. (If the latter is not set, it will be looked up in ~/.ec2-keys or in ~/.aws/credentials, as described in ???.) To run a specific test, run python3 test-name, e.g. To filter on which backends you want to run functional tests against, you can filter on one or more tags. There are also a few NixOS VM tests. These can be run as follows:

$ nix-build release.nix -A tests.none_backend

Some useful snippets to debug nixops: Logging

# this will not work, because sys.stdout is substituted with log file

# this will work
from __future__ import print_function; import sys; print('asfd', file=sys.__stdout__)
import sys; import pprint; pprint.pprint(some_structure, stream=sys.__stdout__)

To set breakpoint use

import sys; import pdb; pdb.Pdb(stdout=sys.__stdout__).set_trace()

Appendix E. Release Notes

E.1. Release 1.7 (April 17, 2019)

  • General


    Azure backend is now disabled after the updates to Azure's Python libraries in NixOS 19.03. Please see PR#1131 for more details.

    Existing Azure deployments should use NixOps release 1.6.1. We hope to revive the Azure support in the future once the API compatibility issues are resolved.

    • Mitigation for ssh StrictHostKeyChecking=no issue.

    • Fix nixops info --plain output.

    • Documentation fixes: add AWS VPC resources and fix some outdated command outputs.

    • Addition of Hashicorp's Vault AppRole resource.

  • AWS

    • Add more auto retries to api calls to prevent eventual consistency issues.

    • Fix nixops check with NVMe devices.

    • Route53: normalize DNS hostname.

    • S3: support bucket lifecycle configuration as well as versioning.

    • S3: introduce persistOnDestroy for S3 buckets which allows keeping the bucket during a destroy for later usage

    • Fix backup-status output when backup is performed on a subset of devices.

  • Datadog

    • add tags for Datadog monitors

  • GCE

    • Fix machines being leaked when running destroy after a stop operation.

    • make sure the machine exists before attempting a destroy.

  • Hetzner

    • Remove usage of local commands for network configuration.


      Note that this is incompatible with NixOS versions prior to 18.03, see release-notes.

  • VirtualBox

    • added NixOS 18.09/19.03 images.

    • handle deleted VMs from outside NixOps.

This release has contributions from Amine Chikhaoui, Assassinkin, aszlig, Aymen Memni, Chaker Benhamed, Chawki Cheikch, David Kleuker, Domen Kožar, Dorra Hadrich, dzanot, Eelco Dolstra, Jörg Thalheim, Kosyrev Serge, Max Wilson, Michael Bishop, Niklas Hambüchen, Pierre Bourdon, PsyanticY, Robert Hensing.

E.2. Release 1.6.1 (Sep 14, 2018)

  • General

    • Fix the deployment of machines with a large number of keys.

    • Show exit code of configuration activation script, when it is non-zero.

    • Ignore evaluation errors in destroy and delete operations.

    • Removed top-level Exception catch-all

    • Minor bugfixes.

  • AWS

    • Automatically retry certain API calls.

    • Fixed deployment errors when deployment.route53.hostName contains uppercase letters.

    • Support for GCE routes.

    • Support attaching NVMe disks.

  • GCE

    • Add labels for GCE volumes and snapshots.

    • Add option to enable IP forwarding.

  • VirtualBox

    • Use images from nixpkgs if available.

This release has contributions from Amine Chikhaoui, aszlig, Aymen Memni, Chaker Benhamed, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Justin Humm, Michael Bishop, Niklas Hambüchen, Rob Vermaas, Sergei Khoma.

E.3. Release 1.6 (Mar 28, 2018)

  • General

    • JSON output option for show-option command.

    • Added experimental --show-plan to deploy command. Only works for VPC resources currently.

  • Backend: libvirtd

    • Added support for custom kernel/initrd/cmdline, for easier kernel testing/developing.

    • Fail early when defining domain.

    • Support NixOS 18.03

  • Backend: AWS/EC2

    • Allow changing security groups for instances that were deployed with a default VPC (no explicit subnetId/vpc)

    • Make sure EC2 keypair not destroyed when it is in use, instead produce error.

    • Support for separate Route53 resources.

    • Support CloudWatch metrics and alarms.

    • Support updating IAM instance profile of an existing instance.

    • Support VPC resources.

    • RDS: allow multiple security groups.

    • Allow S3 buckets to be configured as websites.

    • Fix issue where S3 bucket policy was only set on initial deploy.

  • Backend: Datadog

    • Support sending start/finish of deploy and destroy events.

    • Support setting downtime during deployment.

  • Backend: Azure

    • Fix Azure access instructions.

  • Backend: Google Compute

    • Add support for labelling GCE instances

    • Minor fixes to make GCE backend more consistent with backends such as EC2.

    • Fix attaching existing volumes to instances.

    • Implemented show-physical --backup for GCE, similar to EC2.

    • Prevent google-instance-setup service from replacing the host key deployed by NixOps.

    • Allow instances to be created inside VPC subnets.

This release has contributions from Adam Scott, Amine Chikhaoui, Anthony Cowley, Brian Olsen, Daniel Kuehn, David McFarland, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Glenn Searby, Graham Christensen, Masato Yonekawa, Maarten Hoogendoorn, Matthieu Coudron, Maximilian Bosch, Michael Bishop, Niklas Hambüchen, Oussama Elkaceh, Pierre-Étienne Meunier, Peter Jones, Rob Vermaas, Samuel Leathers, Shea Levy, Tomasz Czyż, Vaibhav Sagar.

E.4. Release 1.5.2 (Oct 29, 2017)

  • General

    • This release has various minor bug and documentation fixes.

    • #703: don't ask for known host if file doesn't exist.

    • Deprecated --evaluate-only for --dry-run.

  • Backend: libvirtd

    • Added domainType option.

    • Make the libvirt images readable only by their owner/group.

    • Create "persistent" instead of "transient" domains, this ensures that nixops deployments/VMs survive a reboot.

    • Stop using disk backing file and use self contained images.

  • Backend: EC2

    • #652, allow securityGroups of Elastic File System mount target to be set.

    • #709: allow Elastic IP resource for security group sourceIP attribute.

  • Backend: Azure

    • Use Azure images from nixpkgs, if they are available.

  • Backend: Google Compute

    • Use Google Compute images from nixpkgs, if they are available.

This release has contributions from Andreas Rammhold, Bjørn Forsman, Chris Van Vranken, Corbin, Daniel Ehlers, Domen Kožar, Johannes Bornhold, John M. Harris, Jr, Kevin Quick, Kosyrev Serge, Marius Bergmann, Nadrieril, Rob Vermaas, Vlad Ki.

E.5. Release 1.5.1 (Jul 5, 2017)

  • General

    • This release has various minor bug and documentation fixes.

  • Backend: None

    • #661: Added deployment.keys.*.keyFile option to provide keys from local files, rather than from text literals.

    • #664: Added deployment.keys.*.destDir and deployment.keys.*.path options to give more control over where the deployment keys are stored on the deployed machine.

  • Backend: Datadog

    • Show URL for dashboards and timeboards in info output.

  • Backend: Hetzner

    • Added option to disable creation of sub-accounts.

  • Backend: Google Compute

    • Added option to set service account for an instance.

    • Added option to use preemptible option when creating an instance.

  • Backend: Digital Ocean

    • Added option to support IPv6 on Digital Ocean.

This release has contributions from Albert Peschar, Amine Chikhaoui, aszlig, Clemens Fruhwirth, Domen Kožar, Drew Hess, Eelco Dolstra, Igor Pashev, Johannes Bornhold, Kosyrev Serge, Leon Isenberg, Maarten Hoogendoorn, Nadrieril Feneanar, Niklas Hambüchen, Philip Patsch, Rob Vermaas, Sven Slootweg.

E.6. Release 1.5 (Feb 16, 2017)

  • General

    • Various minor documentation and bug fixes

    • #508: Implementation of SSH tunnels has been rewritten to use iproute in stead of netttools

    • #400: The ownership of keys is now implemented after user/group creation

    • #216: Added --keep-days option for cleaning up backups

    • #594: NixOps statefile is now created with stricter permissions

    • Use types.submodule instead of deprecated types.optionSet

    • #566: Support setting deployment.hasFastConnection

    • Support for "nixops deploy --evaluate-only"

  • Backend: None

    • Create /etc/hosts

  • Backend: Amazon Web Services

    • Support for Elastic File Systems

    • Support latest EBS volume types

    • Support for Simple Notification Service

    • Support for Cloudwatch Logs resources

    • Support loading credentials from ~/.aws/credentials (AWS default)

    • Use HVM as default virtualization type (all new instance types are HVM)

    • #550: Fix sporadic error "Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type"

  • Backend: Datadog

    • Support provisioning Datadog Monitors

    • Support provisioning Datadog Dashboards

  • Backend: Hetzner

    • #564: Binary cache substitutions didn't work because of certificate errors

  • Backend: VirtualBox

    • Support dots in machine names

    • Added vcpu option

  • Backend: Libvirtd

    • Documentation typo fixes

  • Backend: Digital Ocean

    • Initial support for Digital Ocean to deploy machines

This release has contributions from Amine Chikhaoui, Anders Papitto, aszlig, Aycan iRiCAN, Christian Kauhaus, Corbin Simpson, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Evgeny Egorochkin, Igor Pashev, Maarten Hoogendoorn, Nathan Zadoks, Pascal Wittmann, Renzo Carbonaram, Rob Vermaas, Ruslan Babayev, Susan Potter and Danylo Hlynskyi.

E.7. Release 1.4 (Jul 11, 2016)

  • General

    • Added show-arguments command to query nixops arguments that are defined in the nix expressions

    • Added --dry-activate option to the deploy command, to see what services will be stopped/started/restarted.

    • Added --fallback option to the deploy command to match the same flag on nix-build.

    • Added --cores option to the deploy command to match the same flag on nix-build.

  • Backend: None

    • Amazon EC2

      • Use hvm-s3 AMIs when appropriate

      • Allow EBS optimized flag to be changed (needs --allow-reboot)

      • Allow to recover from spot instance kill, when using external volume defined as resource (resources.ebsVolumes)

      • When disassociating an elastic IP, make sure to check the current instance is the one who is currently associated with it, in case someone else has 'stolen' the elastic IP

      • Use generated list for deployment.ec2.physicalProperties, based on Amazon Pricing listing

      • EC2 AMI registry has been moved the the nixpkgs repository

      • Allow a timeout on spot instance creation

      • Allow updating security groups on running instances in a VPC

      • Support x1 instances

    • Backend: Azure

      • New Azure Cloud backend contributed by Evgeny Egorochkin

    • Backend: VirtualBox

      • Respect deployment.virtualbox.disks.*.size for images with a baseImage

      • Allow overriding the VirtualBox base image size for disk1

    • Libvirt

      • Improve logging messages

      • #345: Use qemu-system-x86_64 instead of qemu-kvm for non-NixOS support

      • add extraDomainXML NixOS option

      • add extraDevicesXML NixOS option

      • add vcpu NixOS option

    This release has contributions from Amine Chikhaoui, aszlig, Cireo, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Eric Sagnes, Falco Peijnenburg, Graham Christensen, Kevin Cox, Kirill Boltaev, Mathias Schreck, Michael Weiss, Brian Zach Abe, Pablo Costa, Peter Hoeg, Renzo Carbonara, Rob Vermaas, Ryan Artecona, Tobias Pflug, Tom Hunger, Vesa Kaihlavirta, Danylo Hlynskyi.

    E.8. Release 1.3.1 (January 14, 2016)

    • General

      • #340: "too long for Unix domain socket" error

      • #335: Use the correct port when setting up an SSH tunnel

      • #336: Add support for non-machine IP resources in /etc/hosts

      • Fix determining system.stateVersion

      • ssh_util: Reconnect on dead SSH master socket

      • #379: Remove reference to `jobs` attribute in NixOS

    • Backend: None

      • Pass deployment.targetPort to ssh for none backend

      • #361: don't use _ssh_private_key if its corresponding public key hasn't been deployed yet

    • Amazon EC2

      • Allow specifying assumeRolePolicy for IAM roles

      • Add vpcId option to EC2 security group resources

      • Allow VPC security groups to refer to sec. group names (within the same sec. group) as well as group ids

      • Prevent vpc calls to be made if only security group ids are being used (instead of names)

      • Use correct credentials for VPC API calls

      • Fix "creating EC2 instance (... region ‘None’)" when recreating missing instance

      • Allow keeping volumes while destroying deployment

    • VirtualBox

      • #359: Change sbin/mount.vboxsf to bin/mount.vboxsf

    • Hetzner

      • #349: Don't create /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

      • #348: Fixup and refactor Hetzner backend tests

      • hetzner-bootstrap: Fix wrapping Nix inside chroot

      • hetzner-bootstrap: Allow to easily enter chroot

    • Libvirt

      • #374: Add headless mode

      • #374: Use more reliable method to retrieve IP address

      • #374: Nicer error message for missing images dir

      • #374: Be able to specify xml for devices

    This release has contributions from aszlig, Bas van Dijk, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Kevin Cox, Paul Liu, Robin Gloster, Rob Vermaas, Russell O'Connor, Tristan Helmich and Yves Parès (Ywen)

    E.9. Release 1.3 (September 28, 2015)

    • General

      • NixOps now requires NixOS 14.12 and up.

      • Machines in NixOps network now have access to the deployment name, uuid and its arguments, by means of the, deployment.uuid and deployment.arguments options.

      • Support for <...> paths in network spec filenames, e.g. you can use: nixops create '<nixops/templates/container.nix>'.

      • Support ‘username@machine’ for nixops scp

    • Amazon EC2

      • Support for the latest EC2 instance types, including t2 and c4 instance.

      • Support Amazon EBS SSD disks.

      • Instances can be placed in an EC2 placement group. This allows instances to be grouped in a low-latency 10 Gbps network.

      • Allow starting EC2 instances in a VPC subnet.

      • More robust handling of spot instance creation.

      • Support for setting bucket policies on S3 buckets created by NixOps.

      • Route53 support now uses CNAME to public DNS hostname, in stead of A record to the public IP address.

      • Support Amazon RDS instances.

    • Google Cloud

      • Instances

      • Disks

      • Images

      • Load balancer, HTTP health check, Target pools and forwarding rules.

      • Static IPs

      • New backend for Google Cloud Platform. It includes support for the following resources:

    • VirtualBox

      • VirtualBox 5.0 is required for the VirtualBox backend.

    • NixOS container

      • New backend for NixOS containers.

    • Libvirt

      • New backend for libvirt using QEMU/KVM.

    This release has contributions from Andreas Herrmann, Andrew Murray, aszlig, Aycan iRiCAN, Bas van Dijk, Ben Moseley, Bjørn Forsman, Boris Sukholitko, Bruce Adams, Chris Forno, Dan Steeves, David Guibert, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Evgeny Egorochkin, Leroy Hopson, Michael Alyn Miller, Michael Fellinger, Ossi Herrala, Rene Donner, Rickard Nilsson, Rob Vermaas, Russell O'Connor, Shea Levy, Tomasz Kontusz, Tom Hunger, Trenton Strong, Trent Strong, Vladimir Kirillov, William Roe.

    E.10. Release 1.2 (April 30, 2014)

    • General

      • NixOps now requires NixOS 13.10 and up.

      • Add --all option to nixops destroy, nixops delete and nixops ssh-for-each.

      • The -d option now matches based on prefix for convenience when the specified uuid/id is not found.

      • Resources can now be accessed via direct reference, i.e. you can use securityGroups = [ ]; in stead of securityGroups = [ ];.

      • Changed default value of deployment.storeKeysOnMachine to false, which is the more secure option. This can prevent unattended reboot from finishing, as keys will need to be pushed to the machine.

    • Amazon EC2

      • Support provisioning of elastic IP addresses.

      • Support provisioning of EC2 security groups.

      • Support all HVM instance types.

      • Support ap-southeast-1 region.

      • Better handling of errors in pushing Route53 records.

      • Support using ARN's for applying instance profiles to EC2 instances. This allows cross-account API access.

      • Base HVM image was updated to allow using all emphemeral devices.

      • Instance ID is now available in nix through the deployment.ec2.instanceId option, set by nixops.

      • Support independent provisioning of EBS volumes. Previously, EBS volumes could only be created as part of an EC2 instance, meaning their lifetime was tied to the instance and they could not be managed separately. Now they can be provisioned independently, e.g.:

              resources.ebsVolumes.bigdata =
                { name = "My Big Fat Data";
                  region = "eu-west-1";
                  zone = "eu-west-1a";
                  accessKeyId = "...";
                  size = 1000;

      • To allow cross-account API access, the deployment.ec2.instanceProfile option can now be set to either a name (previous behaviour) or an Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the instance profile you want to apply.

    • Hetzner

      • Always hard reset on destroying machine.

      • Support for Hetzner vServers.

      • Disabled root password by default.

      • Fix hard reset for rebooting to rescue mode.. This is particularly useful if you have a dead server and want to put it in rescue mode. Now it's possible to do that simply by running:

              nixops reboot --hard --rescue --include=deadmachine

    • VirtualBox

      • Require VirtualBox >= 4.3.0.

      • Support for shared folders in VirtualBox. You can mount host folder on the guest by setting the deployment.virtualbox.sharedFolders option.

      • Allow destroy if the VM is gone already

    This release has contributions from aszlig, Corey O'Connor, Domen Kožar, Eelco Dolstra, Michael Stone, Oliver Charles, Rickard Nilsson, Rob Vermaas, Shea Levy and Vladimir Kirillov.

    E.11. Release 1.1.1 (October 2, 2013)

    This a minor bugfix release.

    • Added a command-line option --include-keys to allow importing SSH public host keys, of the machines that will be imported, to the .ssh/known_hosts of the user.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented switching the deployment.storeKeysOnMachine option value.

    • On non-EC2 systems, NixOps will generate ECDSA SSH host key pairs instead of DSA from now on.

    • VirtualBox deployments use generated SSH host keypairs.

    • For all machines which nixops generates an SSH host keypair for, it will add the SSH public host key to the known_hosts configuration of all machines in the network.

    • For EC2 deployments, if the nixops expression specifies a set of security groups for a machine that is different from the security groups applied to the existing machine, it will produce a warning that the change cannot be made.

    • For EC2 deployments, disks that are not supposed to be attached to the machine are detached only after system activation has been completed. Previously this was done before, but that could lead to volumes not being able to detach without needing to stop the machine.

    • Added a command-line option --repair as a convient way to pass this option, which allows repairing of broken or changed paths in the nix store, to nix-build calls that nixops performs. Note that this option only works in nix setups that run without the nix daemon.

    This release has contributions from aszlig, Ricardo Correia, Eelco Dolstra, Rob Vermaas.

    E.12. Release 1.1 (September 9, 2013)

    • Backend for Hetzner, a German data center provider. More information and a demo video can be found here.

    • When using the deployment.keys.* options, the keys in /run/keys are now created with mode 600.

    • Fixed bug where EBS snapshots name tag was overridden by the instance name tag.

    • The nixops executable now has the default OpenSSH from nixpkgs in its PATH now by default, to work around issues with left-over SSH master connections on older version of OpenSSH, such as the version that is installed by default on CentOS.

    • A new resource type has been introduced to generate sets of SSH public/private keys.

    • Support for spot instances in the EC2 backend. By specifying the deployment.ec2.spotInstancePrice option for a machine, you can set the spot instance price in cents. NixOps will wait 10 minutes for a spot instance to be fulfilled, if not, then it will error out for that machine.

    E.13. Release 1.0.1 (July 11, 2013)

    This is a minor bugfix release.

    • Reduce parallelism for running EC2 backups, to prevent hammering the AWS API in case of many disks.

    • Propagate the instance tags to the EBS volumes (except for Name tag, which is overriden with a detailed description of the volume and its use).

    E.14. Release 1.0 (June 18, 2013)

    Initial release.