Nix Steering Committee Election 2024

As a first step towards a better governance for official Nix projects, we are happy to announce the kick-off of the first Nix Steering Committee election!

The Steering Committee will be the primary community leadership body, responsible for steering the official Nix projects — organisationally, socially, and technically. This includes making decisions over what is official, managing teams, approving NixOS Foundation policies relevant for the community, being the final escalation point, and more as detailed in the Nix Governance Constitution.

While the Steering Committee is given the authority to make decisions within the scope of its responsibilities directly, it is expected to delegate as much as possible.

Note that you can also read and publicly discuss this announcement on Discourse.


Automatically eligible voters will be sent an email and be added/invited to the @NixOS/voters-2024 GitHub team. If you’re on the GitHub team but have not received an email, make sure to check and optionally update your email address.

If you’re neither on the GitHub team nor have received an email, you’re likely not automatically eligible. In this case you may consider requesting an exception.

Members of the GitHub team can:

If you have any questions or need support, please get in touch with the Election Committee.


  • 2024-09-29 Sun: Deadline for nominations
  • 2024-10-01 Tue: Deadline for endorsements
  • 2024-10-03 Thu: Deadline for candidate questions
  • 2024-10-06 Sun: Deadline for candidate answers, submitting voter exceptions and updating voter email addresses
  • 2024-10-07 Mon: Voting starts
  • 2024-10-20 Sun: Voting ends
  • 2024-10-23 Wed: Results announced

The results are expected to be announced just before NixCon 2024 in Berlin, which starts on 2024-10-25.