Blog / Newsletters / 2017

#01 - We need to start somewhere

- Published on Mon Jan 23 2017

Welcome to the first edition of NixOS weekly. We will do our best to release this newsletter every second week. If there is something you think we could improve, please let us know. News NixOS 17.03 release manager...

#02 - Here we go

- Published on Mon Feb 06 2017

Let us together review what happened in NixOS community in last 2 weeks. We are always looking to improve. Let us know how we can do better. News Many of you are not aware, but you can easily subscribe and help triage tickets and pull requests in NixOS/nixpkgs...

#03 - Better Late Than Never

- Published on Wed Feb 22 2017

Another two weeks have passed and it is time for our summary. A new section Questions was added to the newsletter. The intention for this new section is that it is going to expose some of the questions that happen in the past. We hope that none of the questions will be left unanswered. Sometimes we forget just how awesome Nix / NixOS is and we take its capabilities for granted. It is important that we remind ourself from time to time why are we using it, via reddit - In...

#04 - Everything not saved will be lost

- Published on Mon Mar 13 2017

Nix, NixOS and nixpkgs are all moving ahead at good speed. The 17.03 milestone is more than 50% complete, and we merged 144 pull requests for nixpkgs just in the last seven days. News The NixOS 17.03 beta...

#05 - Tonight We Ride

- Published on Mon Apr 03 2017

The 17.03 "Gorilla" release has been tagged! There are too many good things in this release to pick favourites. I refer you to the release notes instead. Some fun stats: ...

#06 - I never wished a man dead

- Published on Fri Apr 14 2017

Or in other words: no more Perl in Nix! Shea Levy's last branch for his long-ongoing work to remove Perl from the Nix tool has finally been merged News NixOS on Over the past several months, Graham Christensen (grahamc),...

#07 - You have one hell of a Linux system here

- Published on Tue May 02 2017

A few months ago a proposal to define improvements process (nixos/rfcs) was announced. While many contributions to Nix and NixOS related projects fits into GitHub pull requests model, doing a substantial change requires more involvement from the community. Two months later we can see that NixOS community is picking up on the process and RFCs are starting to show up each week. News...

#08 - Not all those who wander are lost

- Published on Fri May 19 2017

Welcome to another edition of NixOS Weekly. Major announcements include NixCon 2017 and the old wiki migration. This edition adds a new Tooling section for possibly useful Nix-related tools in addition to News, Jobs, Reading, and Events. News NixCon 2017 October 28-31, Munich....