Blog / Newsletters / 2018

#01 - Phoenixes burst into flame \...

- Published on Mon Jan 08 2018

The phoenix is a long-lived fiery bird that is present in many different mythologies from around the world. When a phoenix "dies", it does so by combustion and is reborn of the ashes left behind. It rises from its own ashes, in the freshness of youth, to live through another cycle of years. So in a sense, it never truly dies, but regenerates itself and lives forever. Just like this weekly newsletter. Welcome to the 2018 NixOS "Weekly" newsletter. We are back and hope to produce more of them this year then we did last...

#02 - Life before death, strength before weakness, \...

- Published on Thu Feb 01 2018

Welcome to another edition of NixOS "Weekly" News -- we're still working on that weekly bit and I've half a mind to amend the quote to add "monthly before weekly". Let me start by addressing everyone who helped put this edition together: By creating the content and helping collect items, you make the newsletter possible. Thank you. Contributions for future editions are more than welcome. One way to help is by editing a release; we've added an Editor's...

#03 - A tree with strong roots \...

- Published on Mon Feb 26 2018

Welcome to another edition of NixOS "Weekly" Newsletter! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. News Nix 2.0 has been released ...

#04 - NixCon2018, Nix Core Team, binary cache improvements

- Published on Wed Jul 25 2018

NixOS weekly project is rebooting, expect a newsletter every Wednesday in the morning (European timezone). You're more than welcome to submit new items with a short description on latest pull request Domen News ...

#05 - NixOS 18.09 preparations, incremental builds and other tooling

- Published on Thu Aug 02 2018

News NixOS 18.09 JellyFish to be forked off in a month Whole Nix community would like to specifically call out a massive thank-you to vcunat and samueldr for being 18.09's release managers, an important and central role in each release. Thank you...

#14 - Reproducible builds summit, Gnome 3.30, RFC process, linter, Arion

- Published on Wed Dec 19 2018

News Gnome 3.30 with wayland support has hit master To launch a wayland session simply use GDM or SDDM and select the gnome session. Select gnome-xorg to run an X11 session. If you encounter a bug please cc @hedning on github. Fast Docker Compose 'deployments' for development with Arion...