Blog / Newsletters / 2019

- Published on Wed Feb 27 2019

News Moving from Homebrew to Nix Package Manager Salar wrote a step-by-step tutorial how to migrate from homebrew to Nix. nixos/printers: declarative configuration...

#11 - Nixery, nixfmt and Cachix releases, NixCon 2019 tickets, a job and first impressions post

- Published on Wed Jul 31 2019

News nix is now easier to bootstrap on Linux distributions without previous nix installation. Non-NixOS users are encouraged to try and report whether the improved autoconf checks make it easier to build it from source. static-haskell-nix started a crowd-funding on OpenCollective during ZuriHac to get its own dedicated Hetzner build server. Amazingly, the funding goal was reached within only 4 days!...