[Nix-dev] Re: Nix 0.13pre17232 doesn't work on i386-apple-darwin9.7.0

Lluís Batlle viriketo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 10:37:28 CEST 2009

2009/9/30, Peter Simons <simons at cryp.to>:
> Hi Lluís,
>   > I consider nixpkgs 'unpure' if you use a stdenv that uses
>   > out-of-the-store commands. That is, 'stdenvNative' or 'stdenvNix'.
> I see, thank you for the explanation. What I don't quite see, though, is
>  how use of unpure components in stdenv can make store paths collide
>  between different systems. I assume that the contents of 'system' is
>  part of those hashes, right? If it is, then how can two different
>  systems generate identical store paths?
That is more or less what I asked before. I think that storing the
'stdenv.system' string in a file in the stdenv path would be enough,
if it is not done.
On the other hand, some store files may not depend on the system used
(toFile), but I would not consider that a 'collision', but a good
application of the hashes.

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