[Nix-dev] Re: [Nix-commits] SVN commit: nix - 21131 - MarcWeber - in nixpkgs/trunk/pkgs: development/libraries development/libraries/wvstreams development/tools/misc development/tools/misc/usb-modeswitch os-specific/linux os-specific/linux/wvdial top-level

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Fri Apr 16 18:20:36 CEST 2010

> "args: with args;" is strongly discouraged.  Please list the dependencies of a
> package explicitly.  See
> http://hydra.nixos.org/build/352972/download/2/manual/#id387580.
> It's worth noting that in the new Nix evaluator (in the fast-eval branch) "args:
> with args;" is slower than "{ ... args .. }" because the former looks up an
> attribute in an attribute set and the latter gets the variable from an array.

Hi Eelco Dolstra,

if this really is an issue I'll help eliminating those lines.
Mostly I used this style for very simple small packages.
I'd like to use some batch processing then maybe writing some helper
scripts doing everything in one go.

Which is the new way to pass packages to derivation default.nix files?

foo = (import ...) ( pkgs // python = python24; );


I dislike listing deps more than once that's why I used the with style
that often..

How to handle things like 

  gajim = builderDefsPackage (import ../applications/networking/instant-messengers/gajim) {
    inherit (gnome) gtk libglade;
    inherit (xlibs) libXScrnSaver libXt xproto libXext xextproto libX11 scrnsaverproto;

  buildInputs = with a; [
    python pyGtkGlade gtk perl intltool dbus gettext
    pkgconfig makeWrapper libglade pyopenssl libXScrnSaver
    libXt xproto libXext xextproto libX11 gtkspell aspell
    scrnsaverproto pycrypto pythonDBus pythonSexy 


Note passing of those attrs gtk, libglade, libX*.

Marc Weber

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