[Nix-dev] cabal install

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sat Jan 2 09:43:41 CET 2010

Hi Roconnor,

Of course cabal install does work

nix-env -iA haskellPackages.cabalInstall

Good luck.

I just want to let you know that I spend over a week on hack-nix to make
installation of packages easier and developing haskell on Nix more

cabal-install doesn't

* patch packages for you

* add dependencies for you which are required for very common packages
  such as
  - readline
  - sql* packages
  - ...

* doesn't support gtk2hs

* doesn't utilize the nix features of atomic updates and rollbacks

* doesn't create tags for you (which will safe you much time!)

* doesn't let you build dev envs for various targets which require
  different version of the same package.

* doesn't let you inject dev versions in the dependency chain (AFAIK)

So give me a chance showing you how to use hack-nix.
Maybe you can help me improve the README.

Marc Weber

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