[Nix-dev] Re: vim-addon-nix learned fuzzy completion

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Tue Nov 23 11:28:57 CET 2010

> I've maintained another mirror on gitorious until we've nearly decided to 
> switch from svn. I would be great to have *official* git/hg/mtn/whatever 
> dvcs/ mirror(s) in *.nixos.org, or switch to dvcs. Eelco, have you decided 
> something about dvcs?
You also maintained a author mappnig file or such, didn't you? 
github has one advantage over gitorious: You can access it using SVN.
Whether this outweights being open source only (which gitorious is) - I
don't know. Several people on this list preferred gitorious for that way.

I'm attaching the tested cron job scritps which can be used for checking out
and keeping the mirrors up to date automatically.

They differ from the default: They put the remote branches into refs/heads
instead of refs/remotes/origin or the like.

This way you can push them directly to github or gitorious.

Those settings can be found in the [svn-remote "svn"] section below.

Marc Weber

=== initial-checkout.sh ==
for repo in cklist buildfarm-control configurations disnix homepage hydra hydra-ant-logger hydra-config nix nix-perl nixos nixpkg-installer nixpkgs nixu patchelf release services tarballs trace-gui; do

    mkdir -p $repo
    cd $repo

    git svn init --stdlayout https://svn.nixos.org/repos/nix/$repo $repo --bare
    sed -i 's at refs/remotes at refs/heads@' git-clone/.git/config

    git init --bare
    cat > config << EOF
            repositoryformatversion = 0
            filemode = true
            bare = false
            logallrefupdates = true
    [svn-remote "svn"]
            url = https://svn.nixos.org/repos/nix/$repo
            fetch = trunk:refs/heads/trunk
            branches = branches/*:refs/heads/*
            tags = tags/*:refs/heads/tags/*

== keep-up-to-date.sh ==
for dir in */config; do
  cd $(dirname $dir) 
  git svn fetch

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