[Nix-dev] Re: Removing PulseAudio from KDE 4.4

Yury G. Kudryashov urkud+nix at ya.ru
Thu Sep 23 18:49:36 CEST 2010

roconnor at theorem.ca wrote:

> I want to mention to those intersted, that I have locally removed
> pulseaudio from my build inputs to phonon in KDE 4.4 and my audio life
> has become considerably simpler.
> I'm not proposing that my attached patch be put into nixpkgs, but for
> those people, who like me, have problems with audio in KDE getting routed
> to their PC speaker rather than their HDA Intel device, but where alsa
> works fine (i.e. aplay works but paplay doesn't work), this patch may be
> for you.  Just patch and rebuild KDE and KDE programs such as amarok.
You can add a config flag (say, phonon.pulseSupport). Then it can be 
commited to nixpkgs. BTW, could you please use this flag in qt47 (we're 
building phonon as a part of qt for qt-4.7 and kde-4.5)?

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