[Nix-dev] [Nix-commits] SVN commit: nix - r30127 - in nixos/trunk/modules: config installer/cd-dvd installer/generations-dir installer/tools installer/tools/nixos-deploy-network misc security services/misc services/monito...

Peter Simons simons at cryp.to
Sun Oct 30 17:59:38 CET 2011

Hi Marc,

 > Yes - we should talk about what would be a sensible limit. At least
 > 512MB (for kernel builds or such) are required. So I'd vote for
 > something between 2 and 4GB - because there are some builds running
 > kvm and building nixos inside that.

personally, I would like to configure that limit in configuration.nix
differently on every machine. As a default limit, 4GB sounds reasonable,

One could argue whether some limit should be enabled by default or not?

Take care,

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