[Nix-dev] distutils2nix/python4nix

Florian Friesdorf flo at chaoflow.net
Sun Sep 25 01:12:06 CEST 2011

On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 23:54:48 +0200, Marc Weber <marco-oweber at gmx.de> wrote:
> (..)
> To keep the long story short: I don't believe in generating .nix
> expressions scaling very well for the future. But I don't know :)
> > expressions. If you did not install the combination sometime beforehand,
> > then nix is I think the wrong tool by design. The question is more what
> > tools we have to generate expressions for us.
> So how to use ruby,python,.. or many java maven driven packages on
> nixpkgs then? Is the answer: Don't? Or "symlink libraries to /usr/lib
> so that standard tools like ruby and python packages find them easier?
> I'd like to get rid of this kind of mess. But I don't have the perfect
> solution yet.

I cannot follow your argument. How is generating nix expressions related
to having syminks in /usr/lib?

> > If my perception of nix is wrong, please correct me.
> You're welcome at "great Nix" facing reald world dynamic managed package
> databases of dynamic languages :)
> So yes, its a feeling only that the current way won't scale for the future. Its
> not knowing. I may be wrong. I'm waiting for others proofing me wrong doing all
> the work :) Meanwhile I try to find solutions which work for me minimizing the
> time I have to spend to get packages working ..

Well then, lean back, let others struggle with generating nix
expressions and enjoy the show ;)

I'd like to see a discussion on how to generate nix expressions, not on
"why what we are currently doing is maybe not going to work out", I
guess that was discussed enough in the past.

Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net>
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