[Nix-dev] What kills my xserver?

Arie Middelkoop amiddelk at gmail.com
Fri May 11 10:52:34 CEST 2012

On 11/05/12 08:24, Michael Raskin wrote:
>> For me, I can still logout 90% of the time, loging out takes long (10
>> seconds or so) and it seems to crash the xserver at the end (display
>> flashing, second of text console visible), but then I'm back at the
>> kdm login screen where I can shutdown/reboot gracefully.
> I am not sure it is actually crashing X server. X server loves to run in
> the mode where it is shut down once the session dies.

Oh, I'm pretty sure that Mathijs and I have the same symptoms. I can 
also logout, but I'm too impatient to wait ten seconds ;-)

And yes, KDM is supposed to shutdown the X server (that's enabled in the 
kdmrc). However, the problem is that KDM notices that the server is 
already gone before it gets to that point, and subsequently sleeps 10 
seconds (there is a sleep(10) in the error handler) and then aborts the 

I'm used to shutting down my laptop, because I used to have a problem 
with skype after suspend (does not show up anymore lately), but also 
often cannot use my wireless until after I turned the machine off (cold 
restart). The latter still requires me to shutdown my machine rather 


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