[Nix-dev] how to install & load kernel module wl?

Maarten Faddegon me at maartenfaddegon.nl
Wed Oct 10 15:44:51 CEST 2012

Hello NixOS-ers,

I try to install and load the "wl.ko" kernel module on my fresh install 
of Nixos, but I seem to be doing something wrong.

Please let me show you first what I tried:

I installed the broadcom-sta package:
     $ nix-env -i broadcom-sta
     installing `broadcom-sta-_5_100_82_112-3.6'

The module is now indeed the store:
     $ find / -name wl.ko

Though all other modules seem to be in 3.2.30/kernel/... which seems to 
corresponds with the kernel I am currently running:
     $ uname -r

When I try to load the module, this fails:
     $ modprobe wl.ko
     FATAL: Module wl.ko not found

I also added "wl" to boot.kernelModules, and when I run:
     $ nixos-rebuild test
no errors are reported. But iwconfig does not show my wireless card.

My conclusion is that I either need to upgrade my kernel or need to 
install an older version of the broadcom-sta package, am I right? How 
should I do this?

My second question is, why do I not see an error when I test my 

   Maarten Faddegon

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