[Nix-dev] updating pgf-tikz

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Thu Jun 13 11:03:04 CEST 2013

>I tried to upgrade pgf/tikz in texlive to version 2.10 (which I need to work).
>I succeded from a tar.gz in the debian mirror, but never from the .tdf.zip from sourceforge. The nix expression
>is not completely trivial, I managed to have an accepted [ unzip ] as buildInputs,
>but I got "unzip command not found". 
>The download page is: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/
>And the nix file with a working .tar.gz is attached.

Well, current master version seems to be a better start for upgrading

>  propagatedBuildInputs = [texLiveLatexXColor texLive];

Do you think these are needed? You need a wrapper anyway, and you don't
use the build inputs. If all TeX subpackages don't use TeX explicitly,
they are better compatible if we change the TeX implementation and also
they can be easily unpacked in parallel when TeX is being updated

>  meta = {
>    description = "Extra components for TeXLive: graphics package";
>    longDescription = ''
>      PGF is a macro package for creating graphics.  It is platform-
>      and format-independent and works together with the most
>      important TeX backend drivers, including pdftex and dvips.  It
>      comes with a user-friedly syntax layer called TikZ.
>      Its usage is similar to pstricks and the standard picture
>      environment.  PGF works with plain (pdf-)TeX, (pdf-)LaTeX, and
>      ConTeXt.  Unlike pstricks , it can produce either PostScript or
>      PDF output.
>    '';
>    license = [ "GPLv2" "LPPLv1.3c" ];
>    homepage = http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pgf/;
>  };

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