[Nix-dev] Another build problem

Roelof Wobben rwobben at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 28 10:16:56 CET 2013


Im see now this message : 

 CC       libgsystem_la-gsystem-local-alloc.lo
building libgsystem_la-gsystem-file-utils.lo
  CC       libgsystem_la-gsystem-file-utils.lo
libgsystem/gsystem-file-utils.c:28:34: fatal error: gio/gunixinputstream.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [libgsystem_la-gsystem-file-utils.lo] Error 1

it seems that glib is providing this. 
But I have glib already mentioned in the buildsinput. 

Here is my expression : 

{ stdenv, autoreconfHook, fetchurl, pkgconfig, gobjectIntrospection, gettext, glib, intltool, gnome_common, xorg, libXrandr, gtk3, gdk_pixbuf, xkeyboard_config, libxkbfile} 

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "cinnamon-desktop";
  version = "2.0.4" ;
  src = fetchurl {
    url = 
    sha256 = "1cywin712558pv58c0cr73m25hfcv5x8pv5frvqjr9gwr2gpi6h3";

  buildInputs = [autoreconfHook pkgconfig gobjectIntrospection gettext glib intltool gnome_common xorg.libXext libXrandr gtk3 gdk_pixbuf xkeyboard_config libxkbfile  gcc] ;

  configureFlags = "--disable-static "  ;
  passthru = { 
      gir_path= "/share/gir-1.0"; 
      gi_typelib_path = "/lib/girepository-1.0";
  meta = { 
    homepage = "http://cinnamon.linuxmint.org";
    description = "cinnamon-desktop contains the libcinnamon-desktop library, the cinnamon-about program as well as some desktop-wide document " ; 
   longDescription = ''
      The libcinnamon-desktop library provides API shared by several applications
      on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various
      reasons. There is no API or ABI guarantee, although we are doing our
      best to provide stability. Documentation for the API is available with

    platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;


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