[Nix-dev] GHC pointed at the wrong package

Mateusz Kowalczyk fuuzetsu at fuuzetsu.co.uk
Sat Aug 23 14:02:32 CEST 2014


>From about 2 days ago, I started having a problem of the following nature:

There are problems in package regex-tdfa-1.2.0:
  dependency "parsec-3.1.5-ca5ed8f175b69e1a085cfeaf3b95f424" doesn't exist
There are problems in package regex-tdfa-rc-
  dependency "parsec-3.1.5-ca5ed8f175b69e1a085cfeaf3b95f424" doesn't exist

As you can see at [1], I *do* have parsec-3.1.5 in the checked database
but the package ID doesn't match up. I don't know how I got into this
situation and I also don't know how to get out of it. I think this
started happening after I updated my channel.

I have collected garbage earlier today, went into the nix-shell --pure
--dry-run and confirmed that the regex-tdfa packages weren't there
anymore and the shell wasn't broken but after nix-shell --pure, the
dependencies install and the problem comes back.

I hoped that I would never have such problems anymore so it's a bit

Please feel free to request extra info.

[1]: http://lpaste.net/109873

Mateusz K.

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