[Nix-dev] Help creating a custom app with Nix package manager

Asus Ceaser theprepboys at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 15:30:27 CET 2014

I did a fresh install and started following the Nixpkgs manual to
create a custom package.  I want to use the web browser luakit.

So I cloned the git repository and changed directory into it.

I then created the directory luakit under /pkgs/applications/network/browsers/

I created a default.nix which looks like this:

 { stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, libsoup, webkit, gtk, glib_networking,
gsettings_desktop_schemas, makeWrapper  }:

   stdenv.mkDerivation rec {

     name = "luakit-${version}";

     version = "2012";

     src = fetchurl {

       url = "https://github.com/mason-larobina/luakit/archive/${version}.tar.gz";

       sha256 = "...";


     buildInputs = [ makeWrapper gtk libsoup pkgconfig webkit ];

     makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];

     postInstall = ''

       wrapProgram "$out/bin/luakit" \

         --prefix GIO_EXTRA_MODULES : "${glib_networking}/lib/gio/modules" \

         --prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : "${gsettings_desktop_schemas}/share"


     meta = {

       description = "A Vim-like browser";

       longDescription = ''

         A fast and lightweight vim like web browser based on the webkit web
         browser engine and the lua toolkit. luakit is keyboard driven
and can be extended through the use of lua code.


      homepage = "http://www.luakit.org";

      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;

      maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.rickynils ];

      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;



I then edited pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix and it looks like this:

 luakit = callPackage ../applications/networking/browsers/luakit {
     inherit (gnome) libsoup;
     webkit = webkit_gtk2;

I then ran the command nix-build -A luakit

and I get the error error: cannot auto-call a function that has an
argument without a default value (`stdenv')

I am not new to Linux but new to this type of package development.  I
did read the other emails and posts made by others who have had this
same problem as me, but I when I tried to do as they do I still got
the message.  If someone could help a noob I would appreciate it.

~Thank you

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