[Nix-dev] Rolling my own Danish Aspell package

Mads Lindstrøm mads.lindstroem at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 13:39:53 CEST 2015


I am new to NixOS, but got quickly up and running in a VirtualBox guest..
Thanx for a great system.

However, there is no Nix package for a Danish Aspell dictionary. I
therefore tried to roll my own. I have followed the guide here
https://nixos.org/wiki/Contributing_to_nixpkgs. I have got a local Git
repository and added the Danish dictionary. I can compile the Danish Aspell
dictionary using:

> nix-build -A aspellDicts.da

But when I try to install it to my local user environment:

> nix-build -f . iA aspellDicts.da
error: assertion failed at

It is not just my new dictionary, but all packages which fails installing
using the command above. With or without my changes to my local nixpkgs

My ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix contains:

{ allowUnfree = true; allowBroken = true; }

Can anybody help me to remedy the problem above?

Best Regards,

Mads Lindstrøm
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