[Nix-dev] How to develop with chicken and emacs

Eike eike at eknet.org
Sat Apr 18 23:23:35 CEST 2015


I'm about to learn scheme and installed chicken for this. I'm now trying
to install some chicken eggs. The command `chicken-install` does not
work out of the box, since it tries to install the packages into the nix

I found out about the egg2nix program and saw, that the
'chicken-eggs.nix' file contains many eggs and that the egg2nix program
uses it. So, right now I'm starting a shell like this

    nix-shell -p egg2nix

This drops me in a shell, where the eggs are setup via
forward, but it still feels strange. Maybe just because I'm not used to
it… Is this a recommended way for developing? (I probably should create
my own nix file to make this env I guess)

But the real problem is, that my emacs doesn't know about this
environment. I don't know how to handle this (besides starting a
new emacs from the nix-shell shell, which I don't want).

Can someone share the setup he or she is using with chicken and nixos or
give me some hints/links to this?

Thanks and regards

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