[Nix-dev] mxe on NixOS

Andrew Kelley superjoe30 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 20:55:44 CEST 2015

Wrapping this thread up:

mxe has an environment variable whitelist that was causing the problem.
NixOS relies heavily on environment variables (such as PKG_CONFIG_PATH) to
utilize /nix/store/*. mxe has the whitelist in order to keep the OS
separate from MXE, but it also relies on hard coded paths ("standard
directories"). So mxe simultaneously wants to separate its environment from
the OS environment while interfacing with the OS environment via hard coded
paths. The maintainer recognized it as an MXE limitation, a limitation
which was too hard to overcome for such a non-mainstream OS.

Upstream discussion:

Thanks for the assistance in figuring this out, I appreciate it.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 7:33 PM James Cook <james.cook at utoronto.ca> wrote:

> >> * If you can successfully build ordinary glib that way, but can't
> >> build mxe glib, it might be time to take it back to the mxe people.
> >
> > OK so it sounds like maybe this is an mxe issue after all?
> Could be. I would report back to the mxe bug, since you've verified
> that you have everything you need to build glib normally (including
> running autogen.sh).
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