[Nix-dev] Google Summer of Code 2017

Peter Simons simons at nospf.cryp.to
Wed Jan 4 20:51:58 CET 2017

As far as Haskell-related projects are concerned, there's a collection
of ideas available at [1]. All of these have related discussion threads
in the nix-dev archive which provide additional information.

Another very important topic that needs to be addressed in Nix / Hydra
is the question of how to deal with code that wants to import build
products into the ongoing evaluation. [2] has some discussion, but so
far naught has come out of it. If we'd be able to figure out this
feature, then we could lift Nix's usefulness to a whole other level,
i.e. we could greatly improve the modularity of Nixpkgs since including
programatically generated expressions could just replace all the cruft
we've currently checked into our Git repository (i.e. packages for
Haskell, Emacs, Python, etc.).

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/blob/master/doc/00-future-of-haskell-packaging-in-nixpkgs.md
[2] https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/954

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