Appendix A. Release Notes

Table of Contents

Nixpkgs 25.05 (2025.05/??)

This section lists the release notes for each stable version of Nixpkgs and current unstable revision.

Nixpkgs 25.05 (2025.05/??)

Backward Incompatibilities

  • services.rippled has been removed, as rippled was broken and had not been updated since 2022.

  • services.rippleDataApi has been removed, as ripple-data-api was broken and had not been updated since 2022.

  • The rustPlatform.fetchCargoTarball function is deprecated, because it relied on cargo vendor not changing its output format to keep fixed-output derivation hashes the same, which is a Nix invariant, and Cargo 1.84.0 changed cargo vendor’s output format. It should generally be replaced with rustPlatform.fetchCargoVendor, but rustPlatform.importCargoLock may also be appropriate in some circumstances. rustPlatform.buildRustPackage users must set useFetchCargoVendor to true and regenerate the cargoHash.

Titanium removed

  • titaniumenv, titanium, and titanium-alloy have been removed due to lack of maintenance in Nixpkgs.

NexusMods.App upgraded

  • nexusmods-app has been upgraded from version 0.6.3 to 0.7.3.

    • Before upgrading, you must reset all app state (mods, games, settings, etc). NexusMods.App will crash if any state from a version older than 0.7.0 is still present.

    • Typically, you can can reset to a clean state by running NexusMods.App uninstall-app. See Nexus Mod’s how to uninstall the app documentation for more detail and alternative methods.

    • This should not be necessary going forward, because loading app state from 0.7.0 or newer is now supported. This is documented in the 0.7.1 changelog.

Nixpkgs Library

Breaking changes

  • Structure of the functor of some types has changed. functor is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon. If you did rely on it let us know in this PR.

    • lib.types.enum: Previously the functor.payload was the list of enum values directly. Now it is an attribute set containing the values in the values attribute.

    • lib.types.separatedString: Previously the functor.payload was the seperator directly. Now it is an attribute set containing the seperator in the sep attribute.

  • The tinycc package now has the dev, doc and lib outputs, thus, tinycc.out may now only provide the tcc and cross compilers binaries.

  • The virtualisation.hypervGuest.videoMode option has been removed. Standard tooling can now be used to configure display modes for Hyper-V VMs.


functor is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon, but since its status wasn’t clear and it has had some use cases without alternatives, changes are being handled as gracefully as possible. Deprecations within functor:

  • functor.wrapped is now deprecated for some types and using it will give a warning with migration instructions. It is deprecated for these types:

    • lib.types.attrsWith

    • lib.types.listOf