[Nix-dev] Re: Python changes - what to keep now

Ludovic Courtès ludo at gnu.org
Tue Apr 20 20:12:34 CEST 2010


Marc Weber <marco-oweber at gmx.de> writes:

> I'd like to keep the following features:
>   - pass python once
>   - have one attr containing all stuff belonging to one python version.
>     This is currently python26Packages and python25Packages

Fine with me.

Actually, we've had that since top-level/python-packages.nix was added.

> Implementation details which may make sense to change (back)
>   - use throw or assert instead of by b attr set to indicate that some
>     packages don't build

Yes, please remove those ‘b.’ things, changing back to the style of

>   - rename the *big* file containing most python packages back:
>     pkgs/development/python2-packages/default.nix
>     to
>     pkgs/python-packages.nix

Yes, please.

> I'd also like to remove my older python packages:


>   python25New = recurseIntoAttrs ((import ../development/interpreters/python-new/2.5) pkgs);
>   pythonNew = python25New; # the default python

Yes, please, that’d be great.  I think it doesn’t make sense to have
more than one set of Python packages, or more than one way to build

OK, here’s the deal: I’ll look at the diff between the new and the
former top-level/python-packages.nix to get an idea (I find your commits
very hard to review currently since they move files around, have
misleading commit logs, and add gratuitous stylistic changes.)  I’ll
comment and commit based on that.

Can you do this?

Also, I also urge you to reply to the message at
<http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.distributions.nixos/3857> so the
rest of us know what to expect.

Thanks in advance,

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