[Nix-dev] Is NixOS a practical proposition for me?

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Sat Jan 18 12:51:00 CET 2014

>What I'm most worried about though is citrix and its critical priority to
>you. But that's mostly based on my previous experiences with the linux
>citrix client's hideous quality. I had a great deal of trouble just with
>Arch linux the last time I used it.

If Citrix is a Java application with no large dependencies beyond Java,
just installing Oracle JDK should be enough to reduce the problem to the
same as on every other distribution.

Now, Gnome3 is a large complex thing with many parts, and building it 
is not easy. So gettting it fully working can take quite some effort.

As a StumpWM user, I cannot even promise any help with it.

You can try to install Nix on non-NixOS or NixOS in a VM to check off
most of your requirements and look at the complexity of your remaining

>But good luck even so :-) My experience with the nixos community is that
>it's helpful and growing steadily.

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