[Nix-dev] Fwd: Why having releases if you break things in it often

Ertugrul Söylemez esz at posteo.de
Sat Feb 11 07:24:39 CET 2017

>>> I dont want to be a 100% full time nixos developer / sysadmin just
>>> to solve such stupid problem. Except somebody would pay me for that,
>>> then I would think about it.
>> Ah, so you won't do it for free but you expect the army of experts to
>> rush for help and do it for free for you, do I read that correctly?
> "rush" the bug is open since over a month, I would not call that
> "rush".

That's not the point, is it?  NixOS is not a commercial organisation.
It's entirely driven by voluntary work.  Yes, even the companies that
contribute to NixOS are volunteers!  In other words you can do one of
four things:

  * Contribute patches yourself.

  * Kindly (!) ask for help and with a bit of luck receive voluntary (!)
    support from the community.  Remember that nobody is obliged to help
    you, but if you're nice and respectful, people will usually try
    their best in my experience.

  * Use a different solution.

  * Oblige somebody to help you by paying them.

Did you pay someone?  If yes, talk to them and be as rude as you want,
because you have a contract.  If no, then pick one of the other three

> If thats only a very unproffessional project, why creating a
> professional looking web site?

Why not?  We are not obliged to *anything*, not even a terrible
website. =)

> So you find time for much PR, but you cant answer a bug report in a
> month?

Sure, why not?  Who are you to tell me what I should do in my spare
time?  Pick one of the four options above.

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