[Nix-dev] Fwd: Why having releases if you break things in it often

Stefan Huchler stefan.huchler at mail.de
Sat Feb 11 15:26:18 CET 2017

> Did you pay someone?  If yes, talk to them and be as rude as you want,
> because you have a contract.  If no, then pick one of the other three
> options.

Well I wanted to appoledgise for my tone, even I think I made mostly
valid points if you put the tone aside for a moment.

I of course have no RIGHT to get help, but I think I never said
that. But many of you get really triggered, even I tried to give even my
rant messages a possitive spin at the end.

Yes I could been more polite, everybody has a bad day here and there, I
think I did not overstep any real nogos, like attacking a person or
getting personal or anything.

And if I critisize you and I dont know how many of you listen here 100
people? and 90% then say I will not help you if you are not more polite,
I have to live with that. But maybe the other 10 people can put their
ego aside for a moment and try to fix it.

Its not like a bug report is only a onesided thing, where only the
person that writes the bugreport gets somethnig out of it. Its a very
important work people do to HELP the project.

They might not do that because of that reason to help the project, but I
am really happy if people send me bug reports to my software.

And I am really happy if people use my software. Yes its better to be
polite 100% of the time, but sometimes a rant can help.

Linus did show Nvidia the middle finger for bad linux support. They kind
of stepped up their game afterwards.

Btw I dont compare you to nvidia, but lets not start to talk about
nvidia to much :)

You could argue that nvidia customers give nvidia money, so they could
expect good driver support even for linux, or at least more than this
"freeloader" that I am.

Again I release 100% of my software under the gpl, I posted here a link
to a derivation, I wrote a free kodi emacs remote which is in melpa.

So its not like I am a asocial person that only wants stuff but never
gives stuff back.

I just feel my time is better invested maybe add a feature to
kodi-remote as example than in repackaging a broken package, and
learning the complete nix language and api / structure.

And I am willing to learn, on the way, if somebody would send me a fix
or workaround I would learn from it. But without a good documentation
(imho), and a very complex system its hard to do on your own.

And critisise me for my rant (if you do that every time something is not
working out the way you want or not fast enough I get that you dont want
that, but I dont rant all the time, about technical stuff, I cant
remember the last rant at least on a mailing list), but it kind of
worked out, on a related bug there was more movement in the last 12
hours then is the last 7 days.

there seems to be work to fix it going on and another attempt to give me
a workaround. Which I have to test out today.

Would that happend also if I asked more politly maybe, I did not do that
calculated in how much affect it may have, I just needed a ventil for my
adrenalin or testestoron I guess.

Again sorry for the tone, but it can be very frustrating if you try to
go through several doors but instead always run against a wall.

Maybe we could talk about the status of the project wiki or other
documentation, if there would ways to improve that.

Its just hard to come up with better docu if you dont understand most
stuff on yourself.

At least I will send more bug reports when something does not work and
hope you see that as a contribution and not a burden.

And I am of course thankful for any help, and hope that the workaround
@bjornfor gave me on github solves the issue.

See ya!

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